Atlas Reactor Wiki

In Atlas Reactor, movement can occur during different phases and can either be voluntary (initiated by the player) or involuntary (initiated by an enemy onto the player). All voluntary movement is declared in the Decision Phase and carried out in their respective phases afterwards, while almost all involuntary movement is resolved in the Blast Phase (as displacement abilities resolve at the end of this phase):

  • Phase-Dash-IconDash Phase (voluntary): Dashes performed during this phase can cause a freelancer to move from one location to another (note: it is possible to dash to the same spot a freelancer started on)
  • Phase-Blast-IconBlast Phase (involuntary): Displacement effects by enemy freelancers.
  • Phase-Move-IconMove Phase (voluntary): Normal movement happens during this phase.

All Freelancers' movement orders are performed simultaneously, which has some consequences for how they're resolved, which is detailed in their respective categories.

Move Phase[]

The main way all Freelancers move is during the Move Phase. During the Decision Phase, a Freelancer has the option of either performing a standard movement action in addition to using an ability, or choosing to instead use two movement actions to move twice the distance in one turn. Choosing to move twice in one turn is referred to as 'Sprinting'. Most dashes do not allow the Freelancer to move during the move phase, however some freelancers have dashes that allow them to move afterwards (Examples:

Oz-Game Portrait
Oz-Game Portrait


Kaigin-Game Portrait
Kaigin-Game Portrait


PuP-Game Portrait
PuP-Game Portrait

(follow only),

Asana-Game Portrait
Asana-Game Portrait

(follow only)).

Movement example

An example path

Each movement action allows the Freelancer to move 4 squares, for a total of 8 squares during a sprint. Moving diagonally is more costly, every second diagonal movement using 2 squares of movement instead of 1 (which roughly translates to each diagonal movement using 1.5 squares). You can effectively use diagonal movement to move 9 squares instead of 8 (or 5 instead of 4) if you only use one diagonal. Regular movement is identified by a white line showing the path that the Freelancer is going to take in the Move Phase.

Being affected by displacement effects, such as knockbacks or pulls, cancels any movement the Freelancer would have done on the turn they are affected by it.


Instead of choosing to move to a specific square, a Freelancer can instead choose to follow another Freelancer. When choosing what square to move to, the Freelancer can instead choose to pick a square that another Freelancer already inhabits. This will set the Freelancer to follow the target in the movement phase. The destination marker will change to show that the target is being followed. If the Freelancer instead wants to move to the square on which the target is currently standing, they can choose the spot a second time, which will change the destination marker once again.

When set to follow a target, the Freelancer will wait until the target's movement is finished and then will do their best to follow the target. The Freelancer will move along the shortest path to the closest adjacent square of the target, though only to the limit of their movement range. They will also not follow someone who leaves their vision either through stealth pads or dashing over walls. In these cases, they will move to the target's last known position and stay there.

Status Effects[]

Regular movement is affected by various status effects in different ways:

  • Haste-Icon Haste
    Increases movement by 50%
    Slow-Icon Slow
    Reduces movement by 50%
    both affect the amount of squares a Freelancer is able to move on each turn.
    Haste-Icon Haste
    Increases movement by 50%
    increases the amount of squares a Freelancer can move by 50% to a total of 6 squares per turn (to a total of 12 while Sprinting), while
    Slow-Icon Slow
    Reduces movement by 50%
    reduces the amount of squares a Freelancer can move by 50% to a total of 2 squares per turn (to a total of 4 while Sprinting). If both are applied to the same Freelancer, they cancel each other out, allowing the Freelancer to move as normal.
  • Rooted-Icon Rooted
    Removes all movement
    completely disallows movement during Movement Phase, giving a Freelancer effectively 0 squares of movement per turn while the status effect is active on them.
  • Unstoppable-Icon Unstoppable
    Immune to knockbacks and movement reduction
    grants immunity to all effects that hinder movement in any way, including displacement effects,
    Slow-Icon Slow
    Reduces movement by 50%
    Rooted-Icon Rooted
    Removes all movement
    , allowing full, unhindered movement for as long as it is active.


Dashes are special abilities that all contain some kind of movement, all of which are resolved simultaneously in the Dash Phase. They often contain secondary effects such as status effects or damage. While dashing, a Freelancer cannot be affected by other Freelancers' dashing abilities. There are two kinds of dashes in Atlas Reactor, which will be referred to as ground and airborne dashes.

Ground dash example

A ground dash

Ground dashes are characterized by movement along the ground similar to regular movement. This type of dash triggers traps and other lingering area-affecting abilities and is generally stopped by walls (some freelancers like

Phaedra-Game Portrait
Phaedra-Game Portrait

have ground dashes that can go through walls). However, it also allows the Freelancer to pick up power-ups along the path of the dash. When declared in Decision Phase, it can be identified by a solid yellow line.

Airborne dash example

An airborne dash

Airborne dashes are characterized by flying, leaping into the air and falling back down or by teleportation. This type of dash doesn't trigger traps or area-affecting abilities (that are passed over) and allows the Freelancer to bypass walls. It does not allow the Freelancer to pick up power-ups however unless they land directly on them. When declared in Decision Phase, it can be identified by a dotted yellow line.

As opposed to regular movement,

Rooted-Icon Rooted
Removes all movement

does not stop a Freelancer from dashing. Only

Scrambled-Icon Scrambled
Can only use primary ability or Catalyst

prevents a Freelancer from dashing through the use of their own abilities, as they are unable to use any ability other than their primary while it is applied to them (note: dashing is still possible through the use of a Catalyst).


As a general rule when moving and dashing, the Freelancer who is closest to a square is the one who gets to stay in it and if a Freelancer's path ends on a square that's already inhabited by another Freelancer, they are forced to stop on the square before it. This applies even if the Freelancers are allied, and can often leave the second Freelancer in the open and out of cover. It's important to pay attention to your teammates' movement as a result, to prevent it from happening to both you and your teammates.


If two (or more) Freelancers are moving through or to the same space at the same time, they collide whether they're dashing or using regular movement. The clash system determines what happens when two (or more) Freelancers collide. The results are different depending on where the Freelancers are ending their movement:

  • Both Freelancers moving through the space and ending movement on another space
    If there is a power-up on the space, neither Freelancer gets to pick it up and they both continue moving to their end destination.
  • Both Freelancers ending their movement on the space
    The space will be treated in the same way as if it had a Freelancer already on it with all Freelancers who tried to move to it being forced to move back to the previous space they were on before they entered it. If there is a power-up on the space, neither Freelancer gets to pick it up.
  • One Freelancer ending their movement on the space and the other moving through it
    The Freelancer moving through the space will not be eligible to pick up a power-up on the space. Only the Freelancer that ends their movement on the space will pick it up.

Displacement Effects[]

This category of movement covers a variety of abilities that cause (usually) involuntary displacement through either knockbacks or pulls which are resolved in the Blast Phase, as they are offensive abilities. These abilities both move the target, as well as effectively reduce their available movement to 0 for the Move Phase which follows their use.

The distance that a Freelancer is knocked or pulled depends entirely on the abilities involved and whether it is possible to move in the direction they are knocked or pulled towards. As all displacement effects are resolved simultaneously, it is possible to be hit by several displacement abilities at once. If this happens, the different distances and angles are added together as a vector to determine at which angle and how far the target will travel.

Knockback example

A knockback target's path

When in Decision Phase, the path the target will be knocked or pulled is marked by a red line.

Unstoppable-Icon Unstoppable
Immune to knockbacks and movement reduction

makes a Freelancer completely immune to displacement effects, including the movement reduction.
